Get OUT of the BOAT ..WALK on WATER

Howdie there Good Peepal ? ;)

God has made us all unique ..just like everyone
else !! (smile).

See our lives are not like a ship lost in the ocean.
Yet many of our lives do reflect it .. tossed among
the waves ..

We are created beings. That means the Creator must
have had a purpose in Creating ?

Your life has a purpose. You were created by God. You
didn't evolve. You were designed for a purpose. God has
given you a dream for your life.

You need to find out God;s will for your life.Then you
need to be moving in the direction of God's given dreams.
You may not have arrived , but you should have left.

There are steps for stepping into God's perfect will for
your life.


We are living at this present time for a very decisive

You are afraid of launching out into the Ocean.. My question
is what are you afraid of losing ?

Ephesians 5 :17 :- not be unwise any longer , but understand what
the will of God is .

and finally God sends His supplies and resources to where He told
you to go , NOT where you are right now !

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