Its a Love Poem !!!

Its more than a touch or a Word
from your lips, Love; Oh How it
Feels so right to make love all nite

This beating heart is waiting for you
Hold me in your arms , My Sweetie Pie
Turn me over to your love

W'en your lips touch me on mine
Can't control the shiver inside
Like pleasure winds over s ahower of pain

Rhythms of Silence taken over my soul
Quietly yearning for your return
The Hollow Left by your farewell

Gazing upwards to the stars
Racing back in time , Memory Fading
Buoyant in Fake Expectancy

Catch me in this travel down to the abyss
Hold me rite , as you best know how
Quivering Lips drowning out My Complaints

.......Thanks for Reading ...I wont call it a poem
coz it follows no rhyme or meter ..Just a Flow of Words.
If you wanna share some of your lines , feel free to email me
Thanks BRM

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